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Habitat Restoration Initiative (HRI)

The Habitat Restoration Initiative (HRI) is a grassroots, volunteer-driven project formed in 2021. Working with approval from the Kansas City, Missouri Parks and Recreation Department, HRI volunteers clear, plant, and maintain the weed-filled hillsides and rocky areas on the east and west sides of Hyde Park along Gillham Road, 36th Street to 38th Street.

Volunteers Needed to learn how to plant and maintain native species.-6.png

This will be achieved by planting vigorous native plants that will fill in areas where grass will not grow and outcompete the invasive species thriving there now.

2025 work days will be the first Saturday of each month, beginning February 1st. Meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Pilgrim Labyrinth & Butterfly Garden, 3701 Gillham Road. Click here to sign up and let us know you're coming!


The goal of this project is to eliminate the need for the Kansas City, Missouri Parks and Recreation Department to spray glyphosate herbicide in these areas and increase wildlife habitat, as well as improve the appearance of the park. The only areas of the park affected by this plan are the bare or rocky areas that resist mowing and require herbicide to maintain.

This is a pilot project. Once proven successful, we hope to see this approach implemented on Parks land city-wide. It will be implemented and maintained for the first five years by volunteer and paid labor. Once established, the only maintenance the Parks Department will need to do is remove weed trees once or twice a year.

Supported by the Pilgrim Center (a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) community organization) that maintains the Pilgrim Labyrinth & Butterfly Garden, a native pollinator-support garden, in this same section of Hyde Park, Habitat Restoration Initiative is in year three of a five year planting and maintenance phase.

You can give to the Pilgrim Center to support this initiative and others like it by clicking here

We have a wonderful partner to thank for their support and guidance on this project: Good Oak, LLC. Good Oak can provide you with assistance at any level of management for a wide variety of landscapes. A Kansas City-based company, their key team members first began working together in community gardens. If you have a yard or a farm or ranch, these are your people.


Whether the goal is to restore, farm, or simply steward habitat, Good Oak has knowledgable staff who can provide you with plans, help source and install materials, and guide you in making it all work as you build your healthier pasture, field, or naturescape. @goodoakllc on Instagram or for more information, visit their website.

We want very much to include all of our neighbors and community members in this effort, so we are inviting you to join us!


If you would like to stay updated on this project, give your feedback, be notified of scheduled planning sessions and work days, or volunteer, please click here to complete our information form.

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